Mô tả
The HD-SDI0401 is a high performance, and reliable, 4-channel HD-SDI video optical transceiver, which perform real-time, loss-free and high-quality HD-SDI transmission(audio embedded) over an optical line. Besides, HD-SDI0401 provides one bi-directional RS485 data channel, and optional audio/contact closure/RS422/RS232 data transmission, which can be widely used in TV live broadcast, high-definition video conference, high-definition video monitoring, intelligent transportation system and public security system.
Đặc trưng
- Compatible with HD-SDI and ASI signals, SDI / ASI signal adaptive
- Meet SMPTE259M, SMPTE297M, SMPTE310, SMPTE305 (SDTI) standard
- Automatically adapt SDI143 Mbps, 177 Mbps, 270Mbps, 360 Mbps, 540Mbps, 1.48Gbitt rate
- High-precision PCR correction, the average PCR jitter is usually maintained at 20 ~ 60ns
- Transmitter output power 0 ~ -14dBm (loss determined according to the actual chain of transmission power)
- By Pathological (extremely harsh environments) Test
- Support 1080P 30HZ / 1080I / 720P; suitable for HD-SDI monitoring system and the broadcasting system.
- Full surface mount technology
- Industrial design, high reliability
- Support customization and OEM
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